Democrats and Republicans to debate key issues tonight The Northeastern College Republicans and Northeastern College Democrats will debate tonight at 7 p.m. in 320 Shillman Hall. Issues up for discourse will include abortion, the war in Iraq, Social Security reform and stem cell research. Senior communications major Chad Cooper, who is active in many student groups, including NUTV and the Student Government Association, will moderate the event. Food will be provided. For more information, contact College Republicans President Michael Murphy at [email protected] or College Democrats President Jim Sargent at [email protected].
Hillel and Circle K to host annual PB Jam! for homeless Northeastern Hillel and Circle K will hold their annual PB Jam! Monday. The event is intended to make peanut butter sandwiches for Thanksgiving dinner for homeless people. This year, the goal is to make 3,500 sandwiches, a 1,500 sandwich increase over last year. “It went very well last year. We did approximately 2,000 sandwiches,” said Yan Veytsman, a Hillel workstudy. “We’re just hoping that more people come to help.” All sandwiches will be donated to the Boston Rescue Mission, Rosie’s Place and other shelters throughout Boston. The event will be held in the West Addition of the Curry Student Center from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., and as many volunteers as possible are needed. For questions or more information, please contact Maria Pavlou at [email protected], or Darshan Kothari at [email protected].
OSCCR seeks students for Judicial Hearing Board The Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) is recruiting students to serve on the Student Judicial Hearing Board, which rules on hearings involving students who have allegedly violated the Code of Conduct, and decides on appropriate sanctions. No prior experience with judicial matters is needed. “We generally look for students who are highly intelligent, for students who really care about the Northeastern community and want to contribute,” said Slandah Dieujuste, assistant director of OSCCR. “We look for students who are openminded … who can look beyond the charged student and look at the allegations in question.” Dieujuste said the time commitment varies, but most board members will probably rule on one hearing every two weeks. Applications are available in 202 Ell Hall or at The submission deadline is Dec. 9. For more information, call 617-373-4390 or e-mail [email protected].
SGA votes down ban on credit card vendors The Student Government Association (SGA) voted against legislation that would have created new policy for credit card vendors on campus last Thursday. The legislation looked to encourage vendors to display their credit options, rather than simply offer free items. It would have also reinforced the university policy that credit card vendors are not allowed to sell their product on campus. However, many members voiced concern about the policy because it already exists. “To dictate to the Northeastern police how to enforce this policy is not appropriate for this legislation,” said Adriana Campos, vice president for administration and public relations. John Guilfoil, vice president for student affairs, said SGA would continue to work on the issue. “I’m just happy there was debate with a free expression of opinion both ways,” Guilfoil said. “The issue’s not dead. It’s obvious that there is concern from students about this issue.”
Date set for presidential search committee forum The committee in charge of finding the next university president will hold a forum open to the entire university community Nov. 29 at 6 p.m. in 108 Snell Engineering. Students, faculty and other members of the Northeastern community are urged to attend and voice their opinions about what qualities should be searched for in the university’s next president. “This will be the students’ opportunity to tell members of the Presidential Search Committee what qualities they would like to see in the next president of the university,” said Vincent Lembo, vice president and university counsel, who works closely with the committee. This is the first in a series of forums, Lembo said.
Budget Review Committee approves funds for ski trips The NU Downhillers’ received $18,459 from the Budget Review Committee (BRC) last Thursday for eight Saturday ski trips this winter, said Student Government Association Vice President for Financial Affairs Billy Haddad. The money will go to help reduce student cost and pay for bus transportation to the six resorts. The John D. O’Bryant African American Institute Unity Gospel Ensemble received $1,419 to pay for promotion and musicians for their Dec. 9 concert in the Curry Student Center Ballroom. The BRC also approved $7,662 for NU ‘ Improv’d for their second annual Beanpot of Comedy. The event will include the Northeastern comedy troupe, NU ‘ Improv’d, as well as various troupes from the surrounding areas, who will come together to “bring the gift of funny,” said senior communications major Chad Cooper, the group’s founder. Money from the BRC will help pay for set design, promotion and a t-shirt for everyone who comes to see the show.
– Compiled by staff writers Hailey Heinz and Stephen Babcock and correspondent Jessica Torrez-Riley.