After reading Ben Larrivee’s comments about patriotism my blood is boiling. I have one word for that man — leave! It is people like him who take for granted all the things we have come to see as normal. The fact that he can bash his own country and government in a newspaper is a huge expression of free speech which he has no regard for. He doesn’t realize, and I honestly don’t think he ever will, that people died for him so he could have that freedom. He doesn’t realize that he is getting the opportunity to go to school, to walk down the streets fearlessly, and he has the right to protest against his own government. Guess what bud — you don’t get that in many other countries. Since you brought up Iraq we can look at Iraq. If you were to even DARE write anything like you did in The Northeastern News you would already be dead, hands down. Don’t get me wrong we all know the U.S. government isn’t perfect — but who is? When you have so many people with different opinions about issues we aren’t always going to be perfect. Are YOU perfect? I hardly think so. They have made some mistakes in the past and mess up now sometimes too, but I trust them, support them, and I know that I will wake up tomorrow morning and go to school and not have to worry about some terrorist trying to blow up the area around me.
The protesters that were arrested were doing idiotic things and when I say that I do not mean protesting against the war. They were blocking roadways so ambulances, fire trucks and the general public could not pass through to do their jobs and their rights. If you want a peaceful demonstration as we had here in Boston, that went off without a problem. But when they get out of hand our outstanding police forces do their jobs. They could have been protecting us from terrorism or people being harmed by other crimes, but instead they got to spend their time watching people like you walking down the street with anti-war chants.
The U.S. may have known about the bad things happening overseas in Germany, but we don’t know that for sure. If it matters that we sent hundreds of thousands of men to die to eliminate the German dictatorship. Do you even realize how many Americans we lost in that war so that we could take down the German Empire and help free the Jews? You have no idea — how dare you question them.
You’re exactly right. You aren’t a patriot … a patriot is someone who has love and devotion to one’s country. For all of those who aren’t patriots, guess what, you are free to leave any time you would like. After September, 11 our country has been trying to bounce back, and it’s people like you who bring us down. We really do not need people like you because, guess what, you aren’t helping us out at all. It is a time for all Americans to help out and get us back on our feet instead of complaining about how bad it is. Things aren’t as bad as you think. iInstead of complaining about it, why don’t you do something to help the situation. If you don’t want to help then leave … because we don’t want you here. I will continue to support our troops and the government. It makes mistakes, but as far as I am concerned we have been doing a great job in these tough times. God Bless America!
– Justin Ellsworth is a freshman business major.