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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

Crime Logs

Crime Log: Oct. 19 – Oct. 25

October 28, 2015
Entry of the week: Friday, Oct. 23 2:43 p.m. A Resident Assistant (RA) at 319 Huntington Ave. reported finding marijuana in a dorm room while conducting room inspections. The Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) responded and confiscated less than an ounce of the substance.

Crime Log: Oct. 12 – Oct. 18

October 22, 2015
Entry of the Week: Thursday, Oct. 15 7:00 a.m. A duress alarm from the northeast proctor station of International Village was activated. The Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) responded and contacted one of the proctors in a building, who explained there was a male shouting at another proctor because he would not let him into the building to see his girlfriend. NUPD spoke to the visitor, who was unaffiliated with Northeastern. He was trying to contact his girlfriend to retrieve his phone, and the proctor would not let him in or allow him to call her, because he did not know her last name or room number. NUPD explained the sign-in procedure and escorted the male from the area without further incident.

Crime Log: Oct. 5 – Oct. 11

October 15, 2015
Entry of the Week: Saturday, Oct. 10 5:45 p.m. A Northeastern University (NU) student reported that a male tried to steal her backpack at the computer bar in Shillman Hall. The student and a friend chased the subject and caught up with him at Lake Hall. The Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) responded and spoke to the male, who was unaffiliated with Northeastern. He was arrested for larceny and a warrant at 5:47 p.m. Police later found that subject had given them his twin brother’s information, and his real identity was revealed during fingerprinting. He had eight outstanding warrants and was in possession of counterfeit money.

Crime Log: Sept. 28 – Oct. 4

October 8, 2015
Entry of the Week: Thursday, Oct. 1 4:14 p.m. A Northeastern University (NU) student reported a college-aged male who seemed to be spray-painting the side of West Village A. The Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) checked the area with no results, but an officer found fresh spray paint on the side of Rubenstein Hall reading “Beware.” A work order was submitted and a report was filed.

Crime Log: Sept. 21 – Sept. 27

October 1, 2015
Entry of the Week:Thursday, Sept. 24 12:11 p.m. A Northeastern University (NU) student reported she left her diamond earrings (valued at $1,800) unattended on a table on the second floor of the Curry Student Center and returned to find them missing. A report was filed.

Crime Log: Sept. 14 – Sept. 20

September 24, 2015
Entry of the week: Monday, Sept. 14 9:03 p.m. A Resident Assistant (RA) reported that residents of Stetson East slammed the door in her face after she asked them to be quiet and stop throwing trash out of the windows into the North Lot. The residents continued being disorderly, causing multiple complaints in the building. The Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) responded and a student agreed not to toss water balloons out the window. The student’s information was collected.

Crime Log: Sept. 7 – Sept. 13

September 17, 2015
Entry of the Week: Saturday, Sept. 12 8:33 p.m. A Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) officer stopped a suspect for larceny at 132 Hemenway St. The party, unaffiliated with Northeastern, was placed under arrest at 8:43 p.m.

Crime Log: Aug. 31 – Sept. 7

September 9, 2015
Entry of the week: Sunday, Sept 6 9:25 a.m. A caller stated there was smoke coming from a room in 10 Coventry Street. The caller was advised to leave the area and Fire Safety was notified. Officers confirmed smoke coming from the room and the Boston Fire Department (BFD) approved a reset but did not allow anyone in the building. Facilities and Residence Life responded and occupancy was expected to be delayed several hours to handle ventilation of smoke and damage to the room. The source was a cardboard box placed on an active stove. A report was filed.

Crime Log: April 6 – April 13

April 15, 2015
Entry of the Week: Saturday, April 11 7:47 p.m. Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) received several calls regarding a male dressed in black who was attempting to climb out of the window in the tunnels near the university’s bookstore. The male was also yelling at students in the area. NUPD responded and reported several witnesses stated the male had left the area. NUPD located the male, who was not affiliated with the university, near the front of East Village. NUPD then confiscated two knives, issued a trespassing warning and collected his information.

Crime Log: March 30 – April 5

April 8, 2015
Entry of the Week: Sunday April 5, 3:15 a.m. Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) spoke with a passenger in an Uber vehicle parked in front of Davenport A. The passenger appeared to be highly intoxicated and had no idea of where he lived. NUPD requested EMS, who arrived and transported the former student to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. EMS requested NUPD ride inside the ambulance.

Crime Log: March 23 – March 29

April 1, 2015

By Stephanie Eisemann, news staff  Entry of the week: Monday, March 23 10 a.m. A student reported to Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) that she had seen adisheveled male trying to get into a restroom on campus. NUPD responded and spoke to the male, who...

Crime Log: March 16 – March 22

March 25, 2015
Entry of the Week - Friday, March 20, 12:53 p.m. An assistant director of the Residential Safety Office (RSO) notified the Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) that he witnessed a party steal two chairs from the lobby of Speare Hall. NUPD was notified that the subjects were currently outside Outtakes with the chairs and refused to return the furniture. The male students explained they were in the Kappa Sigma fraternity and had been collecting food for Pine Street Inn for the past week. They further stated they had been borrowing chairs all week. NUPD spoke with the director of Housing and Residential Life, who gave the students permission for the day, but asked they make arrangements with her for next time. All parties were cleared and a report was filed.