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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Letter: Evolving Arab revolutions have no presence

April 14, 2011
Several Arab regimes have been gradually losing legitimacy and credibility, as have scholars and historians of the Arab world, Middle East and Islam who have been intentionally or unintentionally feeding us naïve notions and analyses of the region and its people.

Editorial Cartoon

April 14, 2011
Springfest's Smoking Policy

Column: Earth Day highlights need to help environment

April 14, 2011
When the recycling bins in my six-person apartment overflow with plastic cans and piles of paper, I can’t help but think back to the days when I didn’t pay attention or care about the small steps I can take to protect and improve the environment.

Staff Editorial: Administration should change ticketing process for grads

April 14, 2011
On May 6, the class of 2011 will graduate in the TD Garden. Each student is given four tickets to divide between family members, and inevitably, some kin are left out. This number dropped from five tickets per student last year.

Editorial: Candidates not setting good precedent of transparency

April 7, 2011
A total of eight grievances were filed against student body presidential candidates Sean Maloney and Michael Sabo. In an effort to investigate further, News staff reached out to the candidates to obtain a list of each one’s respective campaign workers. Both declined to give News staff the information. In a campaign in which both candidates have talked about the importance of transparency, neither is making a good impression so far.

Letter: Any amount appreciated, not expected, in senior gift drive

April 7, 2011

As students at Northeastern, we are extremely lucky. We come from many diverse walks of life, but regardless of where we come from or how we got here, we are all fortunate to have benefited greatly from the education and experience we have received at Northeastern. Many of...

Editorial Cartoon

April 7, 2011
The struggle for a 20% vote.

Column: Sabo, Maloney virtually same candidate

April 7, 2011
As you’ll no doubt read on the front page – unless you skip directly to my column, in which case a) thank you and b) what’s wrong with you – the Student Government Association (SGA) extended voting for the new president through tomorrow, Friday, in hopes that they can reach the 20 percent voting minimum. As of press time, they had reached 3222 votes.

Letter: Members of SGA receiving prizes for voting peculiar

April 7, 2011
Terry MacCormack and Nick Naraghi are great guys. They’re freshmen residents in Smith Hall, where I’m a resident assistant. They’re active in hall activities, they’re always surrounded by other residents, and I’m pretty sure they get good grades. That said, I hope they understand I’m not trying to throw them under the bus.

Letter: NEU should ban smoking

March 31, 2011
As a graduate student, I tend to spend some of my time at the Snell Library. I go there to research and print things mostly, or to find a quiet spot when no others are available. With each visit, however, I find I’m forced into an aggravating, clumsy ballet to avoid the noxious fumes and plumes of cigarette smoke at the building’s entrance.

Letter: The News should identify author of staff editorial

March 31, 2011
I don’t think that the The Huntington News’ editorial should be anonymous, because whoever wrote it should be made available for further discussion on the topic. Keeping the editorial anonymous doesn’t hold anyone responsible for the feelings it stirs up. If the editorial was meant to express the “views of the news organization,” this should be clearly explained. It doesn’t make sense to me that members of the staff can be protected by anonymity while students at large are often identified as the authors of “letters to the editor”.

Staff Editorial: Next president of SGA should be receptive to constructive criticism

March 31, 2011
One of the biggest problems The News has found with Student Government Association (SGA) is the inability of its members to take criticism. Time after time, the current student body president, Ryan Fox, has been overly defensive when stances and decisions that have been made within the group were questioned. While SGA members should stand behind their policy, they must be receptive to criticism and acknowledge what needs improvement.