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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Column: St. Patrick’s Day represents struggle within all cultures

March 17, 2011
Today, everyone is Irish. It is a day to celebrate all things Irish, or things believed to be “Irish.” St. Patrick’s Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. I am only half Irish, but my mom’s side of the family with the green blood is extremely proud to display their full, 100 percent Emerald Isle genes.

Letter: Everyone can take something from ASB trips

March 10, 2011
Spring break presents itself as an escape from the harsh Boston climate and the stress of midterms. We take advantage of this weeklong bliss to head home for mom’s cooking, to visit friends at other schools, or to tan on the beach. Under the radar – and nonexistent on MTV specials – is another option: Alternative Spring Break (ASB).

Editorial Cartoon

March 10, 2011
March madness for college students.

Column: Northeastern aids in creating new security measure

March 10, 2011
Last week, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, or EPIC, published documents obtained via the Freedom of Information Act that detailed the Department of Homeland Security’s efforts to develop what Forbes terms “mobile x-ray vans.” These could scan visitors to events, train passengers and even pedestrians on streets. The technology is similar to the controversial scanners put in place by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in airports, which was criticized and raised privacy concerns because of its ability to see under people’s clothing.

Editorial: While prestige grows, sense of community remains the same

March 10, 2011
Watching the large groups of parents and prospective new students tour campus, it’s interesting to note the newfound level of prestige Northeastern has achieved. It seems that each week, there is a new partnership or climbing statistic to announce.

Editorial Cartoon

February 24, 2011

Editorial: New SGA president must make transparency and outreach top priority

February 24, 2011
This week, Student Government Association (SGA) began promoting the nomination process to replace SGA President Ryan Fox. Fox has held the position since 2009 – he was elected for an unprecedented second term.

Column: Students on co-op can enjoy spring break too

February 24, 2011
Tomorrow when my last class ends at 1:25, my spring break will begin. This year marks my first spring break in two years. To put it simply, I am elated.

Letter: Apartment searching process can be easier

February 24, 2011
Over the last few weeks, students were assigned lottery numbers and began to think about where they will live next year. If your lottery number doesn’t seem promising, or you were planning on finding an off-campus apartment anyway, then you may be facing a stressful search.

Editorial: After incidents of drugs on campus, school must do more to protect students

February 17, 2011
On Friday, a man was found dead, with a needle, in a bathroom in Shillman Hall. Last Thursday, The News reported on the death of a man in Renaissance Parking Garage due to drug overdose, and needles were found on his person according to the Boston Police Department (BPD) incident report. These are the third and fourth individuals the Northeastern Division of Public Safety has encountered with needles in four months – on Nov. 6, two individuals were found trying to inject heroin in 716 Columbus Ave., the same building out of which the Northeastern Division of Public Safety operates. Students were not informed of either incident by the university. From this lack of transparency rises the question of whether or not Northeastern is doing enough to protect its students from incidents like this.

Editorial Cartoon

February 17, 2011
Your mind during sex week...

Letter: All should expand knowledge on Middle East

February 17, 2011
Michele Richinick’s column in the Feb. 10 issue of The News titled, “Citizens should educate themselves on Egypt” prompted me to offer my thoughts on ways to help students learn about other people and cultures in more realistic, objective ways. At first, it would appear that the only way to gain knowledge about other countries and cultures is to take one of the many culture, language, religion or politics courses offered by Northeastern University. Students can also participate in one of the many Dialogue of Civilizations trips to gain firsthand experience in different countries including Egypt, Morocco, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Ghana, Kenya and China. However, the question remains, are there options to educate students about the rest of the world other than those mentioned?