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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Calendar: Feb. 10 – 16

February 10, 2011

By Emma Shuck, News Staff Entry of the Week: There aren’t many events centered around a bunch of men strutting their stuff on stage. This year, Big Man On Campus is back and the contestants will be asked to do just that. During the competition – sponsored by Delta...

Oh the places we go: Cairo

February 10, 2011
About two weeks ago, I left for Cairo, Egypt looking for the typical study abroad experience. I had no idea that a crisis was about to hit the country and cause the complete chaos that would lead to my evacuation. My preparations for the trip were longer than my actual study abroad experience. But before the turmoil began, I briefly experienced Egyptian culture like any study abroad student in a stable country might.

Northeastern middler invents drinking game app

February 10, 2011
It’s Saturday night. A movie has been chosen and the drinks have been made. The only thing left to do: Pick a drinking game. Middler business entrepreneurship major Sean Casto can help. His pop culture-infused drinking game iPhone application, Drink TV, debuted on iTunes Jan. 28.

Boston Counter Cultural Compass: Homemade newsletter spreads the word on alternative events

February 10, 2011
In a city home to countless venues, it’s easy to find out about the popular concerts, but many of the lesser-known bands and events slip under the radar. UMass-Boston student, Sam Potrykus thought he’d create a way for people to learn about the awesome shows that don’t get publicized by the mainstream media. He makes it his goal to find out about these events and get the word out with his homemade music newsletter and website – Counter Cultural Compass.

Wadzilla Mansion: A hub for Boston music scenes

February 10, 2011
At first glance, it looks like the typical Allston house party, but it’s not. Attendees have to enter around the back, avoiding the path leading toward the front porch, then snake through a crowd of smokers and into the latched basement door. Inside, a huge mural of a green reptile bursting out of the Boston skyline greets everyone who enters.

Column: Plastic surgery: Where to draw the line

February 10, 2011
I’m all about everything in moderation, but that line starts to get a little blurry when I think about cosmetic surgery. There’s a reason as to why Los Angeles has become the shrine for plastic surgery: Girls are getting breast augmentations and liposuction as high school graduation gifts from their parents, and men and women are seeing their doctors several times a month to receive their routine botox or collagen treatments.

‘The Vagina Play’ a dialogue on girly parts

February 3, 2011
The vagina: Half of the world has one, and yet bringing it up in conversation will make most people squeamish and uncomfortable. That’s why senior Kate Downey and junior Anita Shriver, both theatre majors, decided to craft a play that gives a realistic and honest approach to women’s relationships with their vaginas.

Clueless star talks about veganism at Blackman Auditorium

February 3, 2011
“Clueless” actress Alicia Silverstone spoke to a large crowd of Northeastern students Tuesday night about living simply and eating well – namely, by avoiding meat and dairy products. Visibly seven months pregnant, Silverstone sat cross-legged on stage and told the story of how she arrived at – and maintained – her vegan lifestyle.

Q&A with Channing Tatum, star of ‘The Eagle’

February 3, 2011
Fresh from the battlefields of G.I. Joe and Dear John, Channing Tatum steps into a third – but very different – soldier role in “The Eagle.” Tatum’s upcoming film tells the tale of a Roman army officer in 140 A.D. who is desperately trying to restore his family’s name no matter what the risk. Tatum sat down with Boston reporters, including correspondents from The News, as well as student reporters from Emerson and Harvard.

‘The Eagle’ contradicts itself

February 3, 2011
If there is one thing that differentiates “The Eagle” from other trite depictions of Roman antiquity on the big screen, it’s not easy to find. “The Eagle” is set in 140 AD, when the Roman empire extends deep into Britain. The movie is about two men striving to be honorable.

Winter blues? Stay inside.

February 3, 2011
When the thermometer hits -2 degrees with a wind chill of -20 degrees, when the snow blows into Boston day after day, or when the rain turns the snow to gigantic puddles, most people want to hide inside. And who can blame them? But staying indoors can only offer so many things to do. Here are some ideas to stay warm, have fun and beat those winter blues without heading outside.

Calendar: Feb. 3 – 9

February 2, 2011
YouTuber Bo Burnham is coming to Boston. Although he's still a teenager, this comedian is a favorite of many. In 2006, he began writing and posting songs online, such as “I’m Bo yo,” which became extremely popular. Soon after, he started playing live shows at colleges, clubs and theatres. He is currently the youngest person to have recorded a Comedy Central special. And now, Burnham will be on stage at the Wilbur Theatre right here in the Bean as part of his 2011 tour. 246 Tremont St.; 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. show times; $22.50; 800-745-3000.