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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

Crime Logs

Crime Log

April 15, 2010
9:30 a.m. A US Postal Service employee brought a package to Northeastern University Division of Public Safety that contained a large amount of marijuana. The package was taken to the resident and opened in front of him, where it was confirmed that the package contained marijuana. The resident said he was not expecting a package of any kind. He will be reported to Office of Conduct and Conflict Resolution.

Crime Log

April 8, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 1 p.m. The manager of Wollaston’s at the Marino Center detained a shop lifter. The student had stolen a package of $8 Band-Aids. The student said he didn’t want to pay that much for Band-Aids. The student will be reported to Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution.

Crime Log

April 1, 2010
Saturday, March 28, 3 a.m. A cab driver flagged down an officer outside White Hall who pointed out an 18-year-old student who had evaded her cab fare. The officer found the student and she paid the rest of her fare. When the officer returned her ID, he found her intoxicated. She said she had been drinking at a bar, where she “knows people.” She will be reported to OSCCR

Crime Log

March 25, 2010
Saturday March 20, 5 p.m. 5 p.m. Officers transported a student to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center when she fell extremely ill after allegedly eating a cookie that was laced with marijuana. NUPD would like to stress that this is not the first instance of someone eating a “drug snack” and hopes that students would be careful about eating something suspicious received from a stranger.

Crime Log

March 17, 2010
Saturday March 13, 1 a.m. An officer saw a young woman in only a shirt and shorts with no shoes running on Columbus Avenue with another female running behind her trying to catch her. The student who was running ahead was intoxicated, while the one trying to catch her was her roommate. The roommate told officers the intoxicated student had ran out of the apartment while she was trying to help her. Officers escorted the two back to their apartment. The intoxicated student was uncooperative with EMTs and will be reported to OSCCR.

Crime Log

March 11, 2010
Entry of the Week – 9 p.m. During the men's hockey game against Boston University (BU), a BU fan ran around the balcony after a late BU goal. A couple of Northeastern fans chased him, which led to a verbal altercation. The two students were ejected for the remainder of the game.

Crime Log

January 13, 2010

By Jenna Duncan, News Staff Dec. 14 9 p.m. ' A student left a backpack unattended in Stetson East dining hall. When the student returned around noon the next day, it was gone. ' Dec. 15' ' 8 p.m. An International Village dining hall food service staff stopped a student...

Northeastern Crime Log

December 9, 2009

By Colin Young, Colin Young Crime log entries are selected from Northeastern's Division of Public Safety Reports. Tuesday, Dec. 1 7:15 p.m. A student called the Northeastern University Division of Public Safety (NUPD) to report his wallet was stolen from a locker on the...

Northeastern Crime Log

December 2, 2009

By Colin Young, News Staff Tuesday, Nov. 17 9:15 a.m. Northeastern University Division of Public Safety (NUPD) arrested a 13-year-old who was walking around the upper floor of the Curry Student Center checking if doors were unlocked. A staff member saw the juvenile and brought...

Northeastern Crime Log

November 18, 2009

By Colin Young, News Staff Crime log entries are selected from Northeastern's Division of Public Safety reports. Tuesday, Nov. 10 10:30 a.m. A graduate student called the Northeastern University Division of Public Safety (NUPD) to report that while parked on Westland Avenue,...

Northeastern Crime Log

September 23, 2009

By Colin Young, News Correspondent Crime log entries are selected from Northeastern's Division of Public Safety Reports. Tuesday, Sept. 15 12 p.m. Two Law School students reported they were each missing one book from their lockers in the Law School. The lockers had been...

Northeastern Crime Log

September 16, 2009

By Colin Young, News Correspondent Crime log entries are selected from Northeastern's Division of Public Safety Reports. Tuesday, Sep. 8 9 p.m. Northeastern Division of Public Safety (NUPD) officers saw two males in an alley behind Kerr Hall smoking marijuana from a pipe....