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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Inside Ambush: What's the most embarrassing freshman moment you've witnessed or experienced?

Inside Ambush: What’s the most embarrassing freshman moment you’ve witnessed or experienced?

September 11, 2014
Fall classes have officially begun and with them come cooler weather, the ability to pumpkin-spice everything, and our annual newest additions to campus: freshmen. Whether they're getting lost or doing something painfully embarrassing, it's hard to escape the first year of college without having one of those "freshman moments." The confusion and mistakes are an integral part of the freshman experience, so it is best for us all to just embrace them. Therefore, we ambushed students around campus and asked them to share with us the best "freshman moment" they've experienced so far.
Column: Home Stretch

Column: Home Stretch

September 11, 2014
The first one of the day is always a little weak. The floorboards under your mat creak like your knees as they straighten to shoot your pelvis into the sky. “Pedal out your feet,” the instructor says. In the gap between your heels and the mat is every worry or concern from that day. You can and will conquer that gap. Blood flows to your peripheries as your palms press down, claiming the earth. Your downward dog goes from timid and hunched to a tower of strength with your heart at the crown. In the quiet of this studio you are alive. This is the only place you can go and count your breaths and feel the quality of your heartbeat to the rhythm of a soft, crooning playlist. There are no expectations here. The world can stop, if only for an hour.
Music fest unites genres

Music fest unites genres

September 11, 2014
Now in its second year and fourth installment, Boston Calling has grown into a highly-anticipated staple event in the Boston student experience. Each season the festival adds new touches for attendees, from the addition of an extended 11 p.m. curfew to live installation art and free giveaways, making each concert experience even better than the last. While some elements, like the weather, remain out of the organizers’ control, die-hard fans keep coming back, not only for the musical lineup, but also for the festival atmosphere that reflects the city they call home. Unlike some of the larger music festivals, Boston Calling maintains an intimate feel, bringing together diverse groups of people from around the city to celebrate the cause that binds them: the love of music. This year, The Huntington News counts down the top eight memorable moments of the biggest welcome-back party in the city.
Event Calendar: Sept. 11-17

Event Calendar: Sept. 11-17

September 11, 2014
Entry of The Week: Tuesday, Sept. 16 This month Boloco is holding free burrito days across its various New England locations and Tuesday it is Northeastern’s turn. Stop in the Boloco at the Marino Center and get a mini or small burrito for free, or upgrade to an original for just $1 and a big bowl for $2. The Marino Boloco location accepts both Dining Dollars and Husky Dollars. If you happen to be closer to The Children’s Hospital, they are also having free burrito day Tuesday as well. However, the free burrito does not extend to orders place either online or through the Boloco app. 359 Huntington Ave., Marino Center; 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.; free.
Faneuil Hall hosts events for college students

Faneuil Hall hosts events for college students

September 11, 2014
Many college students have heard the term “Sunday Funday,” but now Faneuil Hall is giving it a meaning you can tell your parents. Every Sunday in the month of September, Faneuil Hall Marketplace will host a variety of performers from local colleges in a series of free events geared toward students. The performances will take place from 12 – 4 p.m., and will include music, theatre and improv groups.
"Everything Beauitful Dies"

Photo Gallery: Know No Truth

September 9, 2014

Landon Richmond, a street artist known as Know No Truth, just marked his third year selling his art at Boston Comic Con. Below is a sampling of his works. For more information check out Stephanie Eisemann's article and interview with the Mass Art graduate. Photos courtesy...

Ramen goes rogue with late night delivery service

Ramen goes rogue with late night delivery service

September 4, 2014
Nothing says college quite like a late night meal of ramen noodles, with bonus points for eating it out of a real bowl. But at Boston Ramen Noodle Company, they’re serving up much more than the ambiguous “oriental flavor” found dehydrated in a plastic package or Styrofoam cup. Boston’s only ramen noodle delivery service provides a fresh upgrade to the classic dorm snack with internationally inspired toppings and unusual flavor combinations.
Column: From first to fifth

Column: From first to fifth

September 4, 2014
The first week of school has arrived, and whether you’re an incoming freshman or an old–school senior like myself, there are a good amount of emotions that come with it. You may feel anxious about your classes, nervous to make new friends, happy to see old ones – but whatever you may feel, there’s one thing you should remember – you’re going through it with roughly 16,000 other kids.
Event Calendar: Sept. 4-10

Event Calendar: Sept. 4-10

September 4, 2014
Entry of The Week: Sunday, September 7 As if Sunday brunch was not already the most flawless meal, Back Bay Harry’s just made it even better by incorporating Beyoncé. Their Beyoncé-themed brunch this Sunday is part of their Super Fan Brunch series. The breakfast is a three-course, prix fixe champagne brunch and the menu includes Beyoncé-themed items such as “Bey Day Pancakes,” “Blue-Ivy French Toast” and “Love on Top Flatbread.” There will be a red carpet and photo booth upon arrival, and guests are encouraged to dress in Beyoncé’s fabulous style. 142 Berkeley St.; 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.; $35.
Street artist Know No Truth knows no limits

Street artist Know No Truth knows no limits

September 4, 2014
If you’ve ever walked down Newbury Street and seen a former Mass Art student painting designs worthy of Converse in his underwear, you’ve probably encountered Landon Richmond, better known by his art brand Know No Truth. Richmond recently participated in the Boston Comic Con for his third consecutive year selling art, and his dark and often controversial work has made quite a splash amongst the locals.
Secrets of North Korea revealed in "Dear Leader"

Secrets of North Korea revealed in “Dear Leader”

September 3, 2014
Happy endings are somewhat of a myth, even for the North Koreans that escape deadly grips in a grueling, month-long pursuit. That’s one lesson readers must come to terms with when reading Jang Jin Sung’s groundbreaking 2014 memoir, “Dear Leader: Poet, Spy, Escapee – A Look Inside North Korea.”
Column: At home in the city streets

Column: At home in the city streets

August 11, 2014
The flags along Forsyth whip lazily back and forth in the late afternoon breeze from the harbor while the summer sun slides down the sky, like the ice cream slowly dripping down the side of a little girl’s waffle cone. She’s standing next to the reflecting pool with her dad, watching her reflection ripple and giggling as he makes faces at her in the water. She wants to hold his hand, but hers is covered in vanilla ice cream. She licks a sprinkle off her pinky before it falls onto her pants and smiles up at her dad in triumph – it doesn't matter that a few drops have already made their way from her chin onto the collar of her pink polo.