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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Column: Political panic erupts over Arizona shooting

January 13, 2011
I didn’t mean to start off spring semester with such a heavy topic, but I couldn’t help it. So most of us have heard about the tragic shooting in Tucson, Ariz., where Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot by Jared Lee Loughner

‘unStandard’ events integrate multiple art scenes

January 13, 2011
The All Asia bar and restaurant wasn’t crowded Tuesday, Jan. 4, but it was certainly lively. Many people were wearing decorated cone-shaped party hats and some had more unique headgear – a fake turkey, a trucker hat with a radio antenna, a handmade Jigglypuff Pokémon hat.

NU Band Spotlight: Red Bellows

January 13, 2011
After spending the past three months recording in the studios in Shillman Hall at Northeastern, Boston-based ambient/progressive rock band Red Bellows plans to release its first album at the end of this month.

Oh, the Places We Go: Barcelona

January 13, 2011
My brown leather shoes are literally worn out, and inappropriate for the New England cold. My hair is overgrown and my body is lined with an extra thin layer of fat from too many “cafés con leche” and “patatas bravas.”

Sofia Coppola’s latest: a fresh take on the effects of stardom

January 13, 2011
The black screen fades to reveal a puzzling scene. A gleaming Ferrari races around a dusty dirt road. Its engine roars with power until the car finally slows to a stop and a figure steps out of the vehicle.

Slideshow: Dance For Me

December 9, 2010
A slideshow of photos taken at No Limits Dance Crew's recital, Dance For Me, on Saturday, December 4.

Mistresses get a new start

December 9, 2010
Tiger Woods, Reggie Bush and Ashton Kutcher have more in common than godly physiques and brown eyes: Each has recently been allegedly involved with a mistress, or in Woods’ case, mistresses.

‘Swan’ makes over classic story

December 9, 2010
Renowned director of dread Darren Aronofsky has done the job once more, this time with his much-hyped ballerina flick, “Black Swan.”

Ho-ho-holiday gift ideas

December 9, 2010
Cable knit sweaters, UGG boots, North Face jackets and hot chocolate have made their seasonal debut, which can only mean one thing: It’s the holiday season.

Bill Hader impresses small crowd

December 8, 2010
King of impressions and comedic mastermind Bill Hader shared stories about his experiences and personal history with audience members Dec. 2.

Celebrate the holiday season, Boston style

December 2, 2010
Need a brain break from finals? Don a scarf and try these festive activities.

Bill Hader event will pair comedy with philanthropy

December 2, 2010
Northeastern’s Council for University Programs (CUP) and Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) present An Evening with Bill Hader: Conversation, Clips, and Q&A tonight at 7 p.m. in Blackman Auditorium.